阿克隆磨耗機的特點及用途 軒宇試驗機械廠
特點及用途: 阿克隆磨耗機 用于測定硫化橡膠的耐磨性能,通過試樣與砂輪在一定的傾斜角度和一定的負荷作用下進行摩擦,測定試樣在一定里程內的磨耗體積。符合GB/T 1689《硫化橡膠耐磨性能的測定》等標準的要求。數字設定、顯示磨耗次數,自動停機,將主機與電器控制設計為一體,采用標定砂輪,造型美觀、操作方便,為國內改進型試驗機
阿克隆磨耗機的特點及用途 主要技術指標
Akron abrasion machine characteristics and uses of Xuan Yu test Machinery Factory
Features and uses: Akron abrasion machine for rubber vulcanized - Determination of abrasion resistance, through the sample and the grinding wheel in a certain angle and a load under the action of friction, determination of the specimen in within a certain distance of wear volume. In accordance with GB/T 1689 " rubber vulcanized - Determination of abrasion resistance " and other standards. Digital setting, abrasion number display, automatic stop, will host and electrical control design for the integration, the calibration of grinding wheel, beautiful appearance, convenient operation, for domestic latest improved testing machine
Main technical index
1, tire force from : 26.7N
2, rubber wheel rotary speed : 76± 2r/min
In 3, the grinding wheel rotary speed : 33--35r/min
4, rubber wheel shaft and wheel shaft angle: 0 ° --45 °range
5, the power supply voltage: AC220V ± 10%
6, overall size: 600 x 480 x 400
7, weight: 60Kg